Salary Vocabulary
- Define all types of deductions that the user needs
- Define all types of allowances that the user needs
- Definition of conditional vocabulary on the regulations defined attendance and departure program (hours of attendance - hours of delay...)
- Add vocabulary without conditions
- Link each individual to the corresponding account in the general account tree
- Intermediate vocabulary (which has no effect) can be defined, which are vocabulary that is the basis for calculating other vocabulary ( combined vocabulary )
- It is possible to cancel a single effect on the salary and make it affect the general accounts only, such as the singular share of the institution from the insurances
Compound Vocabulary (Taxes and Insurances)
- Compound vocabulary is vocabulary that counts from regular vocabulary
- The program builds all the regular vocabulary first, then calculates the compound vocabulary
- An example of this type of vocabulary is the vocabulary of taxes and insurances
- Enter the amount and date of the advance and the date of payment
- The advance can be paid in installments
- When calculating salaries, the deduction of advances is made based on the assumed premium.
- The user can control the value of the premium deducted exceptionally in any of the months
- The date of payment and the value of the installment can be changed even after paying part of the advance
- The employee may be exempted from paying the remainder of the advance
- Detailed payroll (shows the salary, working hours, delays and vocabulary for each salary)
- payroll total
- Salary report for each department/department
- Payroll vocabulary report for each department/department/period
- Leaves report for each leave type / employee / department / department
- Advance report (the value of the advance - paid - remaining) for each employee / department / department
- Report attendance and leave in a period
- User-generated reports
- You can reformat any screen in the program and print it
Payroll calculation stages
- Calculating attendance and departure variables (penalty for delay - overtime - absence...)
- Calculation of regular salary items (based on attendance and departure and unconditional)
- Compound vocabulary
- Vocabulary collection and salary building
- Payroll work in public accounts
All attendance and departure variables and the calculated vocabulary from the system appear to the user and he can review them easily , and the user can modify the calculated vocabulary as well as make his own vocabulary manually, and it will be collected in the salaries naturally