خصائص نظام شئون الموظفين


HR System




Personal data

  • Personal data: address - birth...
  • Verification of identity: passport - driver's license - ID card
  • Health care and health insurance
  • Residence expiry dates - employment contract - health card
  • Keeping all documents and files related to the employee (residency renewal documents - work permits...) and their expiry dates
  • Save employee photos
  • Keeping the covenant of employees and the dates of their receipt and delivery
  • Attaching all employees and employees of the company to its departments or departments and covering all jobs and job titles on the different branches
  • Flexibility in dealing with internal functional changes of the organization
  • Disclaimer and Termination of Employee's Service

Employment applications

  • Entering personal data - the position for which he is applying - the courses he has taken…
  • Enter the applicant's photo
  • Attach the documents of the applicant
  • Assessment of applicants (personal characteristics and technical assessments)
  • Ease of searching within the system's applications for a job, sorted by name - gender - evaluation degrees ...

Staff evaluation

Entering employee evaluation periodically in all administrative and technical aspects and personal characteristics, whether for the current employees of the organization or the evaluation of interviews while the institution needs new employment applications

training courses

The courses attended by the employees, the entities they were trained in, and the grades they obtained are entered

Documents and documents

The program enables you to create an electronic library and you can recall and print all documents and documents of a particular employee, whether they are images or Word files. Word files can also be modified and re-saved easily